We are enjoying the west coast of Sweden, with its great nature and beautiful places to camp. Because of the ‘all men right’ you are allowed to camp in the wild.

First we were on the isle of Gältherö, or actually the little isle near to it, Dynholmen. On this dream spot, we were surprised by a visit of Georg, whom we had brought the regards of his friend Rix from Holland, earlier that day. He came along with his motorboat, home made elderberry-juice and a Dutch beer. That was very nice! Later that evening Georg’s friend Maria came paddeling to our place in her kajak and stayed overnight in her own tent. That was pleasant company!

Another unexpected guest at Dynholmen
Next day we went to the island Rörö. It was a great tour, crossing three minor shippinglanes to Gothenburg. The weather was fine and we had clear visibility , so actually it was fun trying to cross as fast as possible the 500 meters wide shipways with hardly any ships about. We found a great camping-spot in a lovely bay. Daniel and his friend, who we met at Rörö beach, were impressed that after our long trip we managed to find the most beautiful beach of Sweden ?!
Today we headed for the lovely, but very touristic area of Marstrand. Again, it was great paddling. Sunny and the wind in our back, sometimes it felt like we were in a nature documentory… It was so great and quiet with all these rocky islands, and sea birds. We chose the shallow waters, so no boats around! Just before arriving to Marstrand we saw a perfect bay, green and calm. So we landed and put up our tent here. The third great camping spot we came across these last days! Hard to choose which is ‘Sweden’s best wild camping spot’ this year ?