Wind still fierce, so no canoeing today. So we stay on Venø, I only know from the crosswordpuzzles my father used to make in his sparce free time. Four letters, isle in Denmark, starts with ‘V’…
Johannis, the campsite boss, is a kajakker himself and has several of the famous Streuer kajaks for use. He shares his tips and stories with us.
Kajakkers from this region have made a detailed map of the Limfjorden, with shelterplaces, interesting canoe-routes and other practical information. Johannis has also contributed to this map and shares the link.;
He also gives the tip to download the Danisch app ‘Shelter’. With an overview of all the shelters of Denmark.
We do some sightseeing, later during the day. We take the binoculars and want to go birdwatching in the nature reserve we passed last night. On the small road we stop to admire the tiny white church and Bodill who is driving carefully, nearly bumps into us. She stops, we laugh about the clumsy kajakers, not used to roads anymore and she offeres to bring us to the birds.
We happily accept and finaly get more than only the birds. We get a wonderful guided tour of the isle. The sea, the soft and gentle hills and scenery, the farm of the famous Venø potatoes (very tasty indeed?), the Venø Kro, the old harbour and ferry and finally, the smallest church of Denmark with its tales of mad vicars and tree-loving daughters on a barren island…
A very nice introduction to the isle of Venø, thanks to Bodill, in the middle of the beautiful kajak-region of the Limfjorden.