Famous in Aalborg

The fresh delicious rolls for breakfast are a perfect start of the day, which will be gray, rainy and cold.

But the wind is still south-west, the right direction for Aalborg! So we pack our things and leave in the morning. The seakajakkers Holger and Tina from Germany wave us goodbye.


Across the bay of Nibe we put up our small sail and rush over the water. We nearly keep up with a large sailingboat that sails only on the fok… Well, nearly…
A large gray armyvessel approaches full speed, impressively fast. Fortunately we are in very shallow water, it will not come near.

In the distance we see our goal for today, the city of Aalborg. We try our luck on the shallow waters as the curves in the fjord now cause us to paddle against the wind. In the shallow waters we hardly have any waves, but the map indicates 0.1 meter depth at certain area’s here…. Fortunately we do not hit any ground and arrive safely in the marina of Aalborg.

On the shore we are warmly greeted by a Danish couple. ‘Are you from Holland’, they ask, ‘and heading for Sweden?’. Astonished we admit. They explain that they have read about us in the local newspaper! We nod in agreement. What a small world, we’re famous in Aalborg!

Quote from a wall in the Street Market in Aalborg

3 Replies to “Famous in Aalborg”

  1. Wouw! Wat gaat het goed. Ik zal aan jullie denken als we over een paar weken over de brug bij Aalborg rijden, op weg naar de veerboot die ons naar Oslo vaart. En toch een gerust idee dat jullie niet helemaal onopgemerkt blijven :).

  2. VIP’s in Aalborg. Leuk dat jullie worden herkend. We genieten van jullie avonturen.

    1. Dag Bram en Ria, dank voor jullie leuke reactie! Beroemd en berucht zijn we. Hier op de camping Nature Ferie in Hou zelfs als eerste zeekajakkende gasten onthaald met een biertje! Groetjes, Rick en Christa

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